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Booking and Estimate Form

Get a Quick Estimate

Just provide the information using our enquiry form to find out more, book an appointment or get a FREE no obligation estimate for your alloy/diamond cut wheel refurbishment, paint repair, valeting/detailing service or ceramic coat protection.

Areas we cover

ALL of London | All areas Inside & Outside the M25 | Surrey | East Sussex | Parts of Essex | Parts of Berkshire | Parts of Hampshire | Parts West Sussex | Parts of Kent

In a hurry?

Call us on 0203 404 8998 (phone lines open Mon-Fri 8am – 6pm) or email us at and we’ll make sure you get the information you need.

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We'll need to see the damage to check our service is appropriate and to estimate a cost.

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How did you hear about us?
If you have a promotional or offer code from one of our recent campaigns - let us know.

By submitting the form, you agree for us to contact you with a price estimate and send you occasional promotions & discount offers.

Get in touch


Call Us

Phone: 0203 404 8998
WhatsApp: Message Us